Staff - Class Act Theatre

Meet the Team

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Jonna Kahrs
Rehearsal Director
Board Member
Founding Member
Jonna is a homeschool mom to 7. As a founding member of Class Act Theatre, with 26 years of involvement in musical theater, it truly has become a passion. Jonna loves directing and watching the kids learn and grow with each production.
Lori Michaels
Creative Producer
Board Member
Founding Member
Lori is a homeschool mom of 4 and one of the founding members of Class Act Theatre. Lori loves serving as the producer and enjoys watching the production come to life.
Susanna Yogerst
Music Director
Board Member
Founding Member
Susanna is a homeschool mom of 7. She has also been the pianist for the children's choir at her church for about 20 years. She enjoys watching the student's vocal and dramatic talents develop and shine on and off stage.
Bethany Zima
Costuming Director
Board Member
Founding Member
Bethany is a homeschool mom of 3, and a founding member of Class Act Theatre. She loves to see the faces of all the kids she work with, as she bring the productions alive with costumes.
Wendy Merz
Executive Fundraiser
Wendy is a homeschool mom of 3 who loves music and theater. Having been a participating family since Class Act started, Wendy loves seeing the kids blossom and grow through the production. She is honored to serve as the Executive Fundraiser for Class Act Theatre.
Elias Kutz
IT and Technical Director
Elias Kutz is the Technical Director and IT Manager for Class Act Theatre. Elias loves to serve as production stage manager at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School, as well.
Lorie Hagedorn
Board Director at Large
Board Member
Founding Member
Lorie is a grandmother to 14 (and 4 honorary) with a passion for musical theater. She puts her crafting gifts to use as part of the costume team for Class Act Theatre.